Our Team

customer service human

Megan Lucas

Born in the Midwest, but raised in Oregon, Megan has also lived briefly in Colorado and Hawaii. She doesn't miss the mountains so much, but she does miss the island sun and sea. She would love to visit Asia or Europe on her next adventure.

Who is your favorite artist? 

I’ve always been fond of the golden age artist, Maxfield Parrish. I remember seeing prints of his work for the first time, Ecstasy and Daybreak, and fell in love with the saturated colors, use of shadow and light, and the triumphant, dreamy atmospheres.

digital marketing whiz, customer service human

Hal Shervey

Hal was born in Portland and recently returned by way of beautiful, wild Southeast Alaska. She loves being outdoors and creating multimedia art inspired by the Pacific Northwest.

Who is your favorite artist? 

My absolute favorite artist is contemporary printmaker Daniel Danger, whose detailed and atmospheric background illustrations always tell a vivid story. 

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merchandising magician, helping hands

Teri Briggs

Teri is originally from sunny Southern California and lived in several different places in CA before settling with her two daughters in Oregon.

Who is your favorite artist? 

I'm a fan of Allport Artist McKenna Kornowski. I first fell In love with McKenna's Rose & Mauve Hummingbird, because I have a love for the Hummingbird. Her use of color and mixed media give her designs a layer of unexpected texture that really appeals to me.

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woman of many talents, sales

Robin Tasch

Robin is an international world traveler and displaced New Yorker who has visited all 50 states and has lived in at least 8 (NY, MA, ME, FL, CA, NV, AZ and OR.)

Who is your favorite artist? 

I remain a HUGE FAN of Brooklyn born artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Examining crucial subjects such as capitalism & racism, he broadened the definition of who & what an artist could be & recognized the genius of those who inspired him.

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website whisperer

Erin Norris

Erin was a ballet dancer for many years! She grew up in the great state of Maine before attending the University of Oklahoma, and eventually making her way to Portland. In addition to keeping up with dance as a hobby, she loves to travel, and hopes to eventually visit all the national parks - currently at six and counting.

Who is your favorite artist?

I've loved Alexander Calder's kinetic mobiles since I learned about them in elementary school art class. I also love his whimsical "Cirque Calder"—a miniature circus with clever mechanics that Calder himself would perform for an audience!

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Art appreciator, graphics & marketing

Amy Chan

Amy is 100% Oregonian! She hails from Hermiston, OR and has lived in Portland for ten years now. On her last vacation Amy went bear-watching in Alaska.

Who is your favorite artist? 

One of my all time fav artists is James Jean. I love his otherworldly and colorful paintings! 

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Digital Wizard, Accounts Receivable

Jared Pletz

Jared is 100% Oregonian, but as a USSF soccer referee has travelled all over Oregon, as well as to Arizona and Hawaii for games.

Who is your favorite artist? 

My Favorite Artist is David Price. His cartoonish drawings always make me smile or laugh and he is a quirky but very fun person to interact with.

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all-star warehouse assistant

Earl Dizon

Earl has loved reading ever since he was a kid in the Philippines. His first job was working at a public library in Las Vegas. He's also lived in San Francisco. Since moving to Portland in 2008, volunteering has become one of his passions. He's also been a children's bookseller for over a decade. He loves making lists, walking labyrinths, and visiting other bookstores and libraries.

Who is your favorite artist?

I love Portland muralist Daren Todd because his art is larger than life and conveys big ideas and feelings. My favorite piece is his James Baldwin mural that was displayed at Portland Center Stage

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production assistant extraordinaire

Jessica Harris

Originally from California, Jessie has been living in Portland for 12 years. When not packaging lovely Allport cards, she works as a pastry chef — keeping us all in cookies! Like the rest of the Allport team, Jessie loves games - her favorite is Cribbage and she is a fierce competitor in her annual family tournaments.

Who is your favorite artist? 

My favorite artist is watercolorist Amy Brown, who is best known for her fairy portraits and fantasy imagery.

printing pro, production assistant

Marian Snowden

Marian is from Moscow, Idaho and she now lives in Corbett, Oregon. Both are forested and beautiful. She is pictured here with her daughter, Sylee.

Who is your favorite artist? 

My favorite artist is Ansel Adams because I'm inspired by his black and white imagery and beautiful landscape photographs.

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warehouse wizard

Leland Bolger

Leland was born and raised in a small town on the outskirts of Fort Lauderdale called Plantation, FL. He also lived in Austin and San Antonio, TX before landing in Portland, OR.

Who is your favorite artist? 

My favorite artist is Ralph Steadman. I like his unique illustration style, especially his work with Hunter S. Thompson.

man of all trades

Todd Getty

Todd is a life-long Portlander, so he's used to dealing with rain. He keeps our roof from leaking and our walls from falling down. Plus, he can fix just about anything, so we find plenty of things to break, just to test him.

Who is your favorite artist? 

It's a toss-up between M.C. Escher and Salvador Dalí!

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Sensei in the dojo of cards - president

Mackenzie Jeans

Mackenzie hails from Reno, NV but also lived in New Orleans before returning to Portland to be closer to her big family. Her bucket list trips include taking a boat trip down the Nile and touring spas in Austria and Hungary. She has owned Allport Editions since 2013, after managing the company for 10 years.

Who is your favorite artist? 

Currently my favorite artist is Maggie Vandewalle. Her artwork is so intricate and each piece tells quite a story - I would love to work with her someday!

Shop Mac's Picks

Big Cheese

Michael Allport

Michael was born in Cleveland, OH but has lived most of his life in California, Maine, and Oregon (as well as five countries!) Allport Editions was originally Michael’s mother’s dream so we like to keep him around for advice and support.


Zoe Berry

Zoe (AKA ZoZo or Zoz) is an 8 year old rescue Plotthound from Klamath, OR. When she’s not greeting Allport customers in our Warehouse Shop, she enjoys hiking, swimming and consuming snacks.